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 Mala Crystals


Sacred mantras are said 108 times. 



All of our designs are hand made by a master healer. Activated crystals are used with all of our designs. Mala beads are strung with a durable bungee cord. No metals are used with our designs. 


Handmade mala with opal, howlite, tigers eye and amethyst from reiki master Giuseppe DiMaio

New Moon 04/2016


Tigers Eye:

The protective stone, a good companion in developmental phases with increased chance of injury and sensitivity - normalizing for over-wrought states and excessive reactions - imparts understanding in chaotic situations - promotes basic trust. 


Black Opal:

The stone for savoir vivre (joy in life) - general strengthening and beneficial for health - develops the sense for the beautiful things in life, eroticism, and entertaining art. 



Personal responsibility - conscious decisions and actions - disorders of equilibrium control - supports elimination processes related to the related to the area of the third major chakra (solar plexus) - 



Inner equilibrium - mental alertness - access to personal spiritual wisdom - grief work - healthy processing of oppressive experiences through dreams - encourages the healing of addictions - opens the eyes for illusions and prejudices. 


Handmade mala with hematite, quartz, tigers eye and onyx from reiki master Giuseppe DiMaio.

Vegana Mala 05/01/2016



Strengthens important abilities for survival and activates corresponding powers - helps in the development of will power - promotes consciousness expansion in terms of individual basic needs and their importance - supports blood pressure - styptic effect. 



Normalizes excessive altruism - strengthens the power of assertion - creates realistic soberness in the evaluation of a situation - improves self control - good for the organs of hearing - builds up the body's own defense system - strengthens the aility to move forward on our path despite unfavorable influences from the outside. 



Cleansing and clarification on all levels - forgotten things become conscious - slumbering talents begin to develop - nerve strengthening - stimulates glandular activity. 


Tigers Eye:

The protective stone, a good companion in developmental phases with increased chance of injury and sensitivity - normalizing for over-wrought states and excessive reactions - imparts understanding in chaotic situations - promotes basic trust. 



Handmade mala with hematite from reiki master Giuseppe DiMaio

Lux et Veritas 05/01/2016


Love and Light Hematite:

Strengthens important abilities for survival and activates corresponding powers - helps in the development of will power - promotes consciousness expansion in terms of individual basic needs and their importance - supports blood pressure - styptic effect. 


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