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Muscle Healing with Energy Work

Advanced Metaphysical Healing

Lasting relief for cronic muscular tension caused by emotional stress


According to the theory, memories and the emotions they have once caused are closely related to the muscular system. Following this, unresolved emotional conflicts, trama, repressed emotions, and simular occurances will always find a way to change the condition of the muscles that are in resonance with those problems - the muscles will tense up. 


Corelation Between Specific Problamatic Topics and Perticular Muscles. 


Repressed Anger.

Tendancy to tense up the erector spinae muscles and the rhomboideus major muscles of the middle back. 


Repressed Grief.

Tendancy to tense up the sternocleidomastoid muscles and the splenius capitis muscles in the neck on both sides. 


Repressed Sexual Feelings or Sexual Traumatic Exeriences.

Tendency to tense up the gracilis muscles in the inner thighs. 

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