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Reiki for Parents and Children 

Family Matters between Parents and Children.
Mobile inhouse services for Connecticut residence. 
Families are the smallest cells of society. Once healing reaches these cells, there is also healing for the great body - society. - Walter Lubeck
We believe the relationship between children and parents shapes the lives of everyone involved. It may be that the relationship is not always about love and understanding. There could be several misunderstandings, conflicts and injuries. Often the early stages of infancy and puberty are very problematic and difficult for both sides, and sometimes disturbing. 
An ideal parent child relationship is guided by tolerence, kindness, understanding, love, to be with one another and for one another. All people are different and it is not always easy to be close to another in the best way of communicaton. There are aftereffects of transferences, projections and fears combines with everyday life and its burdens, its stress and many requirements. 
Nevertheless we believe it is of great importance to heal the roots from which we once grew into this world. It may be that it is not possible to involve both parents and children directly into the healing. It may be that one party does not want to give up position, does not forgive, does not understand. In others, for example the parents have already passed and can no longer be involved in the process of forgiveness, of understanding and reaching out for eachother. 
We believe that mental development and growth through maturity plays a major role. Viewpoint maturity can be guaged with different viewpoints. Making sence of these standpoints can bring great harmony and security. In most cases people in there youth have a different perspective than they do in adulthood. This is usually a slow, almost indistinguishable process, and perhaps because of that a profound process. 
We have found that the path to healing opens with a shift in perspective. To view the situation from the life of the other person involved. Seeing this perspective has lead to clarity, making it more likely to forgive, understand and support eachother. 
The focus of these healing modalities is to increase the awareness of your own point of view. Without clairity of view there is no real, abundant discussion on the position of the other. 

1. Mental and emotional acceptance of childhood and age.

An individual working program with the chakra energy cards for the mental and emotional acceptance of childhood and age. Childhood, puberty, adulthood, age. 


2. Mantras for constructive communication with people of different ages and chakra work with Lemurian Symbols. 


3. Astrological Therapy for the topics of Parents and Children.

 Connections are found between clients and zodiac signs and sencitive points in the horoscope. The Meaning of the most important astrological part personality of the planets in reguard to parents and children. 


*4. Guided meditation for spiritual orientation in matters of upbringing. Parents can gain clairity on a childs perspective on a matter. Conversation to clarify a problem, give advise or feedback to behavior. 


*5. Mantras to accept the emotional and mental acceptance of Authority. Healing the mother and the father transferance. 


*6. Guided meditation to put yourself into the parents or childrens perspective in a loving way to gain clairity on a situation.


*Treatment available through Skype

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