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I have healed diseases Western Science claims uncurable with raw organic ph10 foods 

- Dr . Sebi 

Our Outlook on Nutrition Theory

Fruits and plants are naturally available for human consumption. PH 10 raw fruits and veggies are the best fuel for your mental and physical wellbeing. Natural (not genetically engineered by man) plants and fruits contain vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Vitamins and minerals come in two forms; rock or a grown organism. Phytonutrients found in these living organisms give you natural enzymes to add to your wellbeing. You will feel the results of the vegan shift instantly. 


Do you want the best for yourself? 

If you are happy about life you will be loving, and excited about experiencing every moment that life has to offer. When you are a conscious balanced self, you want your mind, body, and soul to be its best. Best thinking is from the perspective of love, knowledge and truth. As your best version, you will enjoy living a nutrition conscious life. You will have fun finding ways to educate your friends and family of your knowledge, now adding value to your circle. 


Where do you Score? 

Nutrition health is relative to how conscious you are to the subject. A person conscious to health is someone who researches all views and cases. They do not settle for mediocre, rather only on top-tier.


Tier 1. Very considerate of nutrition, studied many theories, will change beliefs with science and evidence. 


Tier 2. Some consideration of nutrition, talk to people who have good results, stick to a plan at certain time of a year and maybe even tried a few diets but it has not been sustainable. 


Tier 3. Not too interested in nutrition facts and science, eats for taste and is not concerned about what people have to say, food is for the experience while being chewed, whatever is on sale is what you eat. 


We Promote Conscious Eating

Be conscious of what you put into your body. Not all things grown are natural some are engineered such as carrots and cauliflower. There are foods superior to others. Top quality nutrition adds life to the body. This is achieved by eating foods with a pH of 7 and above. PH 7 and above fruits and veggies create and provide an environment of alkaline. Disease cannot survive in a alkaline environment!


Allow Yourself to Remove the Blindfold

When a conscious person is asked, "do you want to live a life of disease or ease?" The answer will always be "ease". To know this shift you must allow yourself the opportunity.  


Now, allow yourself to be conscious of the food industry being a business that has the goal to maximize profit and not health.

Everything that we need to live a life of harmony can be grown from mother earth. The naturally grown fruits and vegetables are the best. We must be knowledgeable that genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are not natural. Natural foods can be measured on a pH scale.  


pH Conscious

What is the pH scale?

On a 1 to 10 scale, pH 10 foods have the highest alkaline properties, making them the best foods. They are the best because "they promote a body that does not allow disease". Dr. Sebi substantiated this claim in 1988 vs. New York Supreme Court. 















Enzyme Conscious

Live enzymes promote life inside the body. Cooking food above 114 degrees kills live enzymes. 


Liquid Conscious

1. Gallon of natural spring water daily. 

2. Herbal Teas


Do you suffer from mental health, disease, or just do not feel great? 

Follow the suggested recommendations and daily journal your progress.  



Knowledge - You are now aware of the highest nutrition source. Knowing this information, would you still feed your loved ones erosive substance. 

Love - Love yourself to offer your best version to the world. You can put yourself in first place with what you allow in your body. 

Truth - You have been handed a key to a cure. It will take dedication and creativity to open the door. Loyal screening of what you allow into your body will change your life towards your best self. You must see through marketing surrounding the popular culture and rise above the temptest. 

30 Day Nutrition


Disease cannot live in an alkaline environment!

Personal Nutrition Programing

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